The Friday Group was formed by a group of friends in January 2011.  It is a friendly group of both sexes who meet on the second Friday of every month in the Parish Hall at 2.15pm.  

We have had interesting speakers each month and recently had amusing talks entitled  “Trumpets, Bugles and Horns”, “a musical afternoon” and “Wacky Plant names”.
However the main emphasis is for people to get together in friendly surroundings and have a splendid tea!    We have a bring and buy stall which is proving very popular and  of course,  a raffle.  The membership fee is £15 pa and tea, consisting of sandwiches cakes scones etc and all the tea you can drink costs 50p.

New members can be assured of a warm welcome and as we have managed to remain solvent we have been able to keep the membership fee the same as last year.


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