About us... an introduction to the villages of Charlwood, Hookwood and Norwood Hill

Charlwood, Hookwood and Norwood Hill are 3 close knit communities in the south east part of Surrey. Although adjacent to Gatwick Airport, the communities lie within the Green Belt and enjoy a rural setting. They benefit from an active community spirit with many village and parish organisations for groups of all ages
One of the things that makes living in the parish of Charlwood special is the rich history of the village.
Mesolithic camps have been found in Charlwood dating back to 5000 BC. St Nicholas’ church dates from 1080, only fourteen years after the Norman Conquest. It was extended by the de Gatwyck family in 1280. John de Gatwyck was recorded as going on a crusade in 1311, and some of his descendants still live in the village of Charlwood.
The church, listed grade 1 has exceptionally fine wall paintings dating from.... (more)

As its name suggests, Hookwood was developed on a heavily wooded area like Glovers and St Edolphs Woods in Charlwood. These woods are believed to have been there since Saxon times and contain some very rare specimens. Not surprisingly, iron smelting became the main industry during the middle ages. The wood was used to fuel furnaces and build houses. Charcoal, which was used a great deal, was also produced. Most of the other employment came from farming and tanning. Povey Cross House in ... (more)