Community NEWS... what's going on in Charlwood, Hookwood and Norwood Hill?
Meeting Dates in 2023 – 20th February, 20th March, 17th April, 15th May, 19th June, 17th July, 18thSeptember, 16th October, 20th November.

Aircraft Noise Monitor
For several years Gatwick Airport have run a programme of noise monitoring to get a better understanding of the levels of aircraft noise in the communities surrounding the airport.
Charlwood used to have a monitor and the nearest one now is at Rusper. A monitor placed within Charlwood would give valuable data on aircraft noise.
There are details below on what a noise monitor is and where would be acceptable. Ideally it should be within the residential heart of the community to accurately determine the impact levels of noise.
What is a noise monitor?
A noise monitor provides a method of monitoring and recording noise from both aircraft, and background sources. This allows us to evaluate trends and make comparisons between the noise environments at different locations.
Criteria for the location of new monitors
Because of limited noise monitoring resources we have set out protocol for the decision process on the placement of new monitors. The process and criteria are summarised below:
- When deciding where to locate monitors, our main aim is to achieve an equable geographical spread around the airport so that as many communities as possible are covered by the scheme.
- The map below shows the location of the current and previous noise monitoring sites.
Noise monitor site requirements
Firstly we need to identify a suitable location for a noise monitor.
Below is advice on choosing an appropriate site:
- A secure site in an open area - typically a back garden of a large house or farm.
- Open access to the apparatus for the engineer (this would be on a weekly basis and not by appointment).
- Parking for the engineer within 50 metres of the apparatus as heavy loads may have to be carried to and from the noise monitor.
- The site must be well away from any sound reflecting surfaces such as walls or fences etc.
- It should ideally be in a south facing area to allow solar panels to be used.
- The site should be in a reasonably quiet area away from noisy roads, railway lines or any other noise sources that may interfere with the monitoring of aircraft noise.
- The site should be over flown by aircraft operating from Gatwick.
- All requests received that meet the above criteria will be considered, however the final decision on placement is made the Noise and Track Monitoring Advisory Group (NATMAG), based on recommendations by the Gatwick Noise Monitoring Group (GNMG).
- Please contact Charlwood Parish Council Clerk, or 01293 863848 if you think you have an area suitable for a monitor.